KENMS Thesis : [984] Collection home page

Copyright International Islamic University Malaysia

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 981 to 984 of 984
2000A test of efficiency of the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange ( KLSE ) - the effect of additions and delections from the Kuala [Lumpur] Composite Index (KLCI) on stock pricesOng, Sylvia Lean Im 
2000An analysis of the Standard Malaysian Rubber scheme (SMR) and its implications for the performance of the rubber industry in MalaysiaParmasivam, Nageswari 
1987An Islamic Analysis of the Amanah Saham Nasional in the Context of the New Economic PolicyRuzita Mohd. Amin 
1999Realising Vision Through People - the Role of Training for Proton R&D EngineersTajul Zahari b. Abu BakarTajul Zahari b. Abu Bakar 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 981 to 984 of 984