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dc.contributor.advisorFauziah Fathil, Ph.Den_US
dc.contributor.advisorMohd. Helmi Mohd. Sobri, Ph.Den_US
dc.contributor.authorAhmad Faris Naqiyuddin Mohd Ghazien_US
dc.description.abstractIslam began to spread in South Korea, particularly after the Korean War (1950-53), especially at Seoul, the main metropolitan city in the country. Since most literature on Islam and Muslims centred on Seoul, there is limited work, especially in English, on Islam and Muslim community in Busan. Even the actual number of Muslims residing there remains inconclusive despite their existence since 1976. Similarly, not much information is available on the condition of the Muslims, including the negative perception held or treatment shown towards the group by the non-Muslim population in the city. Thus, this research aims to introduce the Muslim community in the south tip of South Korea called Busan, which is not known to many, by focusing on the role and contributions of local and foreign Muslim individuals and organisations in developing the Muslim community in the city. With the establishment of Al-Fatah Busan Mosque in 1980, the Muslim community in Busan started to flourish slowly, which saw an increasing number of Muslims, local and foreign, as well as of mosques and Islamic centres. Known as the south gate to South Korea that is famous for its booming seaport activities and various modern industries, Busan has attracted many foreign workers from all around the world, including Muslims from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, and others, which consequently contributed to the development of Muslim community there. Hence, the research would like to examine the relationship development between Korean and foreign Muslims in Busan and discover the problems and challenges faced by the community as well as future prospects. Using qualitative approach i.e., interviews, observation, and secondary sources, the study provides information on the under-studied topic gathered from different figures and individuals directly involved with establishing and developing the Muslim community in Busan. Information was also derived from non-Muslim South Koreans’ views of Islam and Muslims in South Korea. The findings demonstrated close cooperation between local and foreign Muslims in Busan, best exemplified in various Islamic organisations that exist and are run by both groups in the city. That said, Muslims in Busan are not exempted from problems that make their lives difficult and serve as obstacles for da’wah activities towards non-Muslims. Finally, the study highlights the prospect of the Muslim community in Busan, hoping that with certain incentives and greater efforts, the community will thrive in the future.en_US
dc.description.abstractIslam began to spread in South Korea, particularly after the Korean War (1950-53), especially at Seoul, the main metropolitan city in the country. Since most literature on Islam and Muslims centred on Seoul, there is limited work, especially in English, on Islam and Muslim community in Busan. Even the actual number of Muslims residing there remains inconclusive despite their existence since 1976. Similarly, not much information is available on the condition of the Muslims, including the negative perception held or treatment shown towards the group by the non-Muslim population in the city. Thus, this research aims to introduce the Muslim community in the south tip of South Korea called Busan, which is not known to many, by focusing on the role and contributions of local and foreign Muslim individuals and organisations in developing the Muslim community in the city. With the establishment of Al-Fatah Busan Mosque in 1980, the Muslim community in Busan started to flourish slowly, which saw an increasing number of Muslims, local and foreign, as well as of mosques and Islamic centres. Known as the south gate to South Korea that is famous for its booming seaport activities and various modern industries, Busan has attracted many foreign workers from all around the world, including Muslims from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, and others, which consequently contributed to the development of Muslim community there. Hence, the research would like to examine the relationship development between Korean and foreign Muslims in Busan and discover the problems and challenges faced by the community as well as future prospects. Using qualitative approach i.e., interviews, observation, and secondary sources, the study provides information on the under-studied topic gathered from different figures and individuals directly involved with establishing and developing the Muslim community in Busan. Information was also derived from non-Muslim South Koreans’ views of Islam and Muslims in South Korea. The findings demonstrated close cooperation between local and foreign Muslims in Busan, best exemplified in various Islamic organisations that exist and are run by both groups in the city. That said, Muslims in Busan are not exempted from problems that make their lives difficult and serve as obstacles for da’wah activities towards non-Muslims. Finally, the study highlights the prospect of the Muslim community in Busan, hoping that with certain incentives and greater efforts, the community will thrive in the future.en_US
dc.publisherKuala Lumpur : Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2023en_US
dc.titleMuslim community in Busan, South Korea : its development and the roleplayed by local and foreign Muslimsen_US
dc.typeDoctoral Thesisen_US
dc.description.identifierThesis : Muslim community in Busan, South Korea : its development and the roleplayed by local and foreign Muslims / by Ahmad Faris Naqiyuddin Bin Mohd Ghazien_US
dc.description.kulliyahKulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciencesen_US
dc.description.programmeDoctor of Philosophy in History and Civilizationen_US
dc.description.abstractarabicبدأ الإسلام ينتشر في كوريا الجنوبية خاصة بعد الحرب الكورية (1950-1953) وخاصة في سيول، المدينة الحضرية الرئيسية في البلاد. وبما أن معظم المؤلفات المتعلقة بالإسلام والمسلمين تركزت في سيول، فإن هناك عمل محدود خاصة باللغة الإنجليزية حول الإسلام والمجتمع المسلم في مدينة بوسان، حتى أن العدد الفعلي للمسلمين المقيمين هناك لا يزال غير حاسم على الرغم من وجودهم منذ عام 1976. وبالمثل، لا تتوفر الكثير من المعلومات. على حالة المسلمين بما في ذلك التصور السلبي أو المعاملة التي يظهرها تجاه المجموعة من قبل السكان غير المسلمين في المدينة. ومن ثم، يهدف هذا البحث إلى التعريف بالمجتمع المسلم في الطرف الجنوبي من كوريا الجنوبية والذي يسمى بوسان والذي لا يعرفه الكثيرون، مع التركيز على دور ومساهمات الأفراد والمنظمات الإسلامية المحلية والأجنبية في تنمية المجتمع المسلم في المدينة. مع إنشاء مسجد الفتح في بوسان عام 1980، بدأ المجتمع المسلم في بوسان في الازدهار ببطء مما أدى إلى زيادة عدد المسلمين المحليين والأجانب، وكذلك المساجد والمراكز الإسلامية. تُعرف مدينة بوسان بالبوابة الجنوبية لكوريا الجنوبية وتشتهر بازدهار أنشطة الموانئ البحرية والصناعات الحديثة المختلفة، وقد استقطبت مدينة بوسان العديد من العمال الأجانب من جميع أنحاء العالم بما في ذلك المسلمين من إندونيسيا وباكستان وبنغلاديش وأوزبكستان وغيرها مما ساهم بالتالي في ازدهارها وتنمية المجتمع المسلم هناك. ومن هنا يرغب البحث في دراسة تطور العلاقة بين المسلمين الكوريين والأجانب في مدينة بوسان واكتشاف المشكلات والتحديات التي يواجهها المجتمع، وكذلك الآفاق المستقبلية. باستخدام المنهج النوعي، أي المقابلات والملاحظة والمصادر الثانوية، توفر الدراسة معلومات حول الموضوع قيد الدراسة التي تم جمعها من مختلف الشخصيات والأفراد الذين يشاركون بشكل مباشر في إنشاء وتطوير المجتمع المسلم في مدينة بوسان. كما تم الحصول على معلومات من الكوريين الجنوبيين غير المسلمين حول وجهات نظرهم حول الإسلام والمسلمين في كوريا الجنوبية. لقد أظهرت النتائج أن هناك تعاونًا وثيقًا بين المسلمين المحليين والأجانب في مدينة بوسان، وهو ما يتجسد بشكل أفضل في المنظمات الإسلامية المختلفة التي كانت موجودة وتديرها كلا المجموعتين في المدينة. ومع ذلك، فإن المسلمين في مدينة بوسان ليسوا معفيين من المشاكل التي تجعل حياتهم صعبة في بعض الأحيان وتكون بمثابة عقبات أمام أنشطة الدعوة تجاه غير المسلمين. أخيرًا، تسلط الدراسة الضوء على آفاق المجتمع المسلم في مدينة بوسان، على أمل أن يتمكن المجتمع من الازدهار في المستقبل من خلال حوافز معينة وجهود أكبر.en_US
dc.description.notesThesis (Ph.D)--International Islamic University Malaysia, 2023.en_US
dc.description.physicaldescription1 online resource (xvi, 229 leaves) ; color illustrations.en_US
dc.description.physicaldescription1 online resource (xvi, 229 leaves) ; color illustrations.en_US
item.openairetypeDoctoral Thesis-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
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